Saturday, May 9, 2009

Every day my Ari is growing, doing something new. Today he is ten months old. He says Mumumumum. He picks up teeny pieces of food with his fingers. He rolls and rolls and will soon crawl. He laughs, grins, smiles and growls. He is a wild thing.

Tomorrow is my first mothers' day. Last year he was a wriggling kicking bump in my belly. Today I can kiss and kiss him for as long as he will let me. I have just been reading this post from Sharilyn, whose blog inspires and warms me post by post. It hits the nail on the head for me.

Soon my Nat will bring me a steaming bowl of stew I cooked with my mum. Tomorrow we will wake up and all squeeze into bed with cups of tea, hot toast, magazines and Maisy.

Each day, at least once, I feel like the luckiest woman on earth.


  1. *cries* you're a gorgeous family! So happy for you! Thats beautiful xxx

  2. you are- and it warms my heart to know that it exists and that you've found it.

    god what a perfect photo!!!

  3. And each day,at least once, so you should - you deserve every bit of it.
